
What To Put In Agent Representation Email

I currently have nine reps (LA Theatrical & Commercial, managers, and six reps in local markets.) By pitching myself via e-mail, I secured meetings or direct offers for representation from all of these reps. (Total disclosure: I did meet one in person, but I had emailed earlier and later on meeting in person!). I know how to write a strong e-mail pitch. Then, what are the magic ingredients?

I volition happily break it down for you. There is nothing we honey more than at Career Actuate than helping actors take control of their own acting careers within the amusement manufacture. I'm going to share with yous my biggest tips that I teach my clients to brand a standout electronic mail pitch to reps.

Agents and managers are always looking for actors with talent. If you can effectively communicate with a good amanuensis, you will increase the possibility of being signed by an acting agency. As far equally we are concerned, the adjacent talent agent will honey yous once yous acquire how to cold email an amanuensis!

There are auditions for acting jobs waiting for you!

*For the sake of readability, I'm going to use the word "agents," merely this tin apply to managers as well*


Know who you lot are writing the email to.

Information technology may sound unproblematic, but most people forget this incredibly of import footstep and send a mass email to many agents that is virtually the same, and then they wonder why no ane responds. Agents, similar all human beings, want to be desired. They need to know that you desire to work with them individually and that you don't just want any 'ol amanuensis!

Just how exercise I know annihilation about them y'all ask?

  • Notice them on social media – acquire what they like and dislike – what practise you lot have in common every bit homo beings.
  • On the concern side, larn about them and their clients on IMDBpro, their company website & social media.

Now, later researching them, what makes yous want to work with this amanuensis – this person specifically? Make the outset of your email, "your hook" about THEM. Possibly you are excited to work with them because you see all of their clients have booked comedy shows. Tell them you are passionate about comedy as well.

Maybe you see from their twitter account that they are obsessed with Modern Family unit, which is your favorite show. Peradventure you learn that they are from your hometown or went to the same college as your mom. Whatsoever it is, use your commonalities and try to form a relationship. Always try to connect to them on a human being level.

Yous want to make your reader feel a special connection to y'all from reading your opening paragraph. Connecting with them on a deeper level can make them want to get to know yous (hence, they may phone call you in for a meeting). They may even decide they desire to represent you because they find you interesting.

"I've learned that people will forget what yous said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." – Maya Angelou

two. Give YOURSELF Brownie

No thing where you lot're coming from in your career thus far, nosotros must give ourselves credibility and lead with that when talking about our piece of work in the industry. For someone just starting out, information technology may merely exist your splendid training with notable studios and a quote or two from those acting teachers praising your work (yes, yous tin enquire for these!).

For someone who has booked legitimate TV or film credits, let them know what you booked and include the pregnant details nigh your acting resume and whatever roles yous accept had in the past. If y'all take taken whatever acting classes or went to drama school, include it in the email!

Leave out the info that makes it less highly-seasoned.

Cheque out these two examples –

"Booked a recurring co-star on ABC."

"Booked a RECURRING office on How To Get Abroad With Murder on ABC, with scenes opposite Viola Davis and Tom Verica."

***Encounter how I left out that it was a co-star. Instead, included more details that show you tin handle working with starring actors. Make it audio exciting!

"Booked a short pupil motion picture."

"Booked a lead in a thesis moving picture at AFI, which went onto win Ten festivals"

***See how I left out that it was a short film. A film is a picture, so add more information to get in more credible.

Sometimes brownie can come in the form of a reference too. Don't bury a reference at the lesser of an email! Brownie can come in the kind of feedback you've received from casting in an audition or workshop or the fact that a casting director has called you in multiple times within the year. Get artistic. Think about all the reasons why an amanuensis would want to work with you and what information you have to prove that other professionals in the industry have already vetted you.


What do you want from the amanuensis? A meeting? An audience? And then ask for what you want and make it in the form of a question with a question mark at the finish. Do non infer your question. Emails are statistically proven to be answered more than frequently when an actual question is asked. Don't waste time! Get right to it and ask your questions.

Oftentimes times, casting directors and acting agencies, in general, respect actors who do non carbohydrate coat things. Be straightforward!

Ex. Are you available within the next two weeks to sit down down and discuss potentially working together?


Make sure you clearly clear what types of roles y'all are often cast in or would be going out for. It's commonly helpful to compare yourself to another actor to requite some context. Consider including a brusk list of the electric current TV shows y'all know you are a fit for.

Ex. People often say I remind them of a immature Tina Fey, but I accept the heart of Rachel McAdams.
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I recommend including:

  • A link to your Actor's Access (for theatrical) or LA Casting/Casting Frontier (for commercial)
  • Your reel. If you don't have a reel, at least include i-2 strong contempo cocky-tapes
  • 1 headshot. More than than ane can exist overwhelming & more headshots tin be seen on your link.
  • Perhaps include a link to your website if it'due south really great and currently up to engagement.

***PRO TIP: Include one "WOW" marketing material. Some ideas –

  • A listing of industry feedback that you've gotten (quotes from industry professionals/reviews)
  • A One Sheet (my friends at Jive Duck pattern some groovy ones, simply you can also brand your own:
  • A short list of your strong casting director or producer/showrunner/writer connections (I wouldn't requite a full list hither equally that's usually something to relieve for the meeting).


Be genuine and permit your personality shine throughout your email. The hook of your email is now making it personal most the receiver, which is great, only we don't want to lose sight of who you lot are throughout this e-mail, and so sprinkle your personality throughout. You want to give the talent agency the best possible representation of yourself! Are you a jokester? Include a joke. Is at that place a absurd fun fact about y'all that actually says a lot virtually your personality? Include it. This will brand the email more interesting and perchance your reader and you will find common footing.

Ex.- I of my clients wrote in her training section of her email, "B.A. University of Miami (Go CANES!)" Well, it turned out, someone she wrote to had a family fellow member that went to Miami and they commented on her "get canes" shout-out. You never know how you volition connect.


In your email, requite yourself permission to follow up and let them know when and how y'all plan to do it. Then close the electronic mail on a positive note with gratitude and/or warm wishes to their acting bureau.

Ex. I'm sure you're very decorated then I will follow up via email in Ten days if I don't hear back from you. Thanks for your time and consideration. Have a great week!

A concluding pro tip – look at the manner this article is formatted. Hopefully, it was pretty easy for you to read as we sectioned information technology out, used numbers, bullets, and bolded and italicized phrases to brand information technology more readable. You can do the same with your email pitches. Emails that are just solid blocks of text are often difficult to decipher. Agents are busy people – brand it easy for them to read.

At present spend some time doing your research and writing these personal emails to agents! And make sure to follow up, follow upwards, follow up. One of our coaching clients stayed in touch with a rep over the course of a year, reaching out 19+ times in order to gear up a meeting and sign with their target agent. Simply because someone doesn't respond to your get-go e-mail, does non hateful they are not interested – we truly don't know what it means so go along on following up until you do! If you get no response afterward about 3 times reaching out, take a break and impact base once again in near three months with new wins. You got this!

-Coach Jenna Doolittle

PS. If y'all haven't however attended, cheque out our free Book Tv set/Film On Your OWN online training.

What To Put In Agent Representation Email,


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