
Who Is Your Baby's Father Putting His New Girlfriend Before His Son

What To Do With Fathers Who Put Their Girlfriends Before Their Child The Deadbeat dad, a father who don't care, fathers who abandon their kids, fathers who hurt their children, and fathers who don't take care of their kids are becoming too common especially when it is over his new girlfriend. Find out how to deal with that situation.

To listen to the blog mail service "What To Practise When Begetter chooses girlfriend over the child" over reading it so click the play button beneath.

In this post, I am going to tell you what to do when your kid's father chooses the girlfriend over the child. The reason that I am so well versed in this topic is that it has happened in my own situation. I cannot think of I fourth dimension where his father did not choose a woman over him. So I get it, it is frustrating to bargain with.  Also, check out my video beneath on how to get over your baby daddy and click here to subscribe to my aqueduct.

Merely as frustrating as information technology is I certainly do not want you unmarried moms out there to fall apart or to get so angry and/or frustrated that yous say or do something that is going to make you wait like a fool. But I do become it.

Because equally a mom who would exercise anything for your child you don't understand why a man chooses other people over their ain flesh and blood, how can he be such a deadbeat dad, and how can he not come across what hurting it is causing the kid. I exercise non know what makes fathers choose their girlfriend over their ain kid then I cannot give you an insight into why they practise it. What I can tell you is what to do and how to do bargain with it. Also, bank check out my nine pace plan to moving by your child's father audio for more help in this state of affairs, click here to check information technology out.

This postal service is going to be separated into 3 parts

  • Start, how to bargain with your child's father not seeing the child.
  • Second, how y'all can deal with your child's father
  • Third, how you tin can deal with the girlfriend.

Begetter chooses girlfriend over child ~ How To Deal When The Father Stops Spending Time With The Kid

 one. When Father Chooses Girlfriend Over Kid ~ Communicate the issues

I wish I tin tell you that when you communicate the issue that the things may change. That your child's male parent will say "aye I empathize" and turn around his behavior. Information technology is possible, BUT it is also possible that he is going to become pissed off with yous and accuse you of being jealous or something crazy.  Regardless of all of that you still have to communicate the issue.

No one is a listen reader and at the very least allows him to try to ready the situation on his own once you tell him that there is a trouble. To practice this, e'er call back to exercise believing communication. Say what you mean, what yous see the upshot is, and what you want him to practice better. And give him a hazard to correct it.

When Father Chooses Girlfriend Over Child

2. Father chooses girlfriend over child ~ Scheduled Visitation

Part of the problem with your kid's father choosing the girlfriend over his kid is that he probably spends petty to no time with your child because he is probably out and about spending all his fourth dimension with his girlfriend. To alleviate any confusion, you lot can come up with a schedule.

That way, your child knows when the begetter is supposed to visit, you know when he is supposed to visit, and the father knows when he is supposed to visit. No ane should be confused here. And since he knows when he is supposed to meet the child, everyone can shift their schedule in advance. Therefore, there should non be any excuses for how he forgot to encounter the child or that he does non fourth dimension.

And really, if your situation is like my situation, then it is possible for him to non adhere to a schedule and come with all these excuses equally to why he is not seeing the child. Just recall, you can still effort to requite people the benefit of the doubt and effort to work with them. You cannot command if they are not willing to work with you.

3. Father chooses girlfriend over child ~ Get the Court-Involved

No ane has time to get dorsum and forth with your child's father. After all, you are doing the correct thing as a single mom while he is out with his girlfriend doing nothing. It can exist a lot more frustrating to become the courtroom involved, but once they are involved it can likewise be more carefree.

Meaning that the courtroom sets visitation and they set who has to do what and when. Which ways you practice not accept to. Even with these tips understand that the father all the same may not run into or be at that place for your child similar he is supposed to. All y'all tin can do, is do your role, and either he is going to step up to the plate or he isn't. And if he doesn't and then that is his problem Not YOURS.

Father chooses girlfriend over child ~ How to deal with the father

four. Begetter chooses girlfriend over kid ~ Choose not to care

I besides want you to read my blog on how to deal with your child'due south male parent moving on. But really you lot have to choose non to care. After you take communicated the issue and done all that you tin can do, then you just have to not care near what they do.  Take it from me, my son's father had disappeared from my son's life for YEARS and YEARS on end. With no communication whatsoever.

And yous just accept to choose not to care, go on with your life, do what you demand to practise every bit a mother, and do not get into these long conversations with your kid about the other woman or his father'southward shortcomings. All you accept to do is live your life and do the all-time matter you tin can exercise for you and your child, and pretend that neither of them (your kid's begetter and his girlfriend) exist in your globe. Your child volition see the situation for what it is and their father for what it is in due fourth dimension.  Also, check out my video downwardly below which is the same communication I gave a single mom when she was abandoned by her child's father.

5. Father chooses girlfriend over child ~ Practise What Is Best for Your Child and Don't Feel Bad

Often times when your child's father is involved with another adult female he may try to get y'all to do things that are confronting your better judgment as a parent. For example, afterwards my son'southward father was not in his life for iv years, he called me up and asked could my son starting time spending the weekends with him and his new girlfriend. And of course, I said no. And I think you can guess why me sending my son with his male parent that he had non seen in 4 years and a woman who I have never met a solar day in my life is non a good idea.

From there, I was seen as being none helpful and keeping my son away from his father. And guess what? I chose not to care. I did not give in because at the terminate of the day I am doing what I feel is all-time for my son. And I will not let anyone make me feel bad about information technology.  There are times where your child's father may want to introduce his girlfriend pre-maturely or endeavour to make you feel like the bad guy because you won't permit your child to exercise xy and z with his new girlfriend. Only your obligation is to your child and not to him and his new woman. Every bit long as y'all are doing the right as a mom who cares about what they think.

Father chooses girlfriend over child ~ How To Deal With Her

vi. Father chooses girlfriend over child ~ Practise Not Engage and Do No Throw Insults

I exercise not desire to hear that whatever of you arguing with the other woman, start insulting her, and getting into physical altercations with anyone. You are someone's mother for God'south sake! Do not make things messier past coming for her. I do non care if she came for you first and called you names. Maintain some class about yourself and about the state of affairs and practice non engage. And every bit shortly as it starts to plough messy, then disengage and do not become messy in return.

vii. Father chooses girlfriend over child ~ Remember You Had A Child With Him And Not Her

In that location are many women that feel that considering she is with your child'southward male parent that it gives her the correct to be all upwardly and in your business organization. It does non. Yous practise not have to go through her to schedule visitation and yous ii practice not have to bail together. You had a child with him and not her and however much you lot want her to be involved or not exist involved y'all command that situation.

There are some mothers who want to be involved with the girlfriend, be friends, and encounter each other. Then at that place are other ones like me who don't. Actually it is up to do what you recall is all-time. But do non get so defenseless up in the girlfriend and wanting to exist the mix of what is going with them that y'all forget that the whole point is almost the child.

The last warning I want to give you is that you have to have peace of mind about the situation. And so my last tip to y'all is to

viii.  Father chooses girlfriend over kid ~ Disengage

Remember at any given moment you have a right to be in peace and disengage from the foolishness. If your child'south father is turning into too much to deal with, she is turning into as well much to deal with, or the situation is just frustrating to y'all. And so choose to disengage.

If he chooses to come across your child, then take him option the child up from your mother's or your friend'due south home. You do not take to talk to or be in whatever state of affairs that yous practise non want to be in. These are my tips for fathers who choose their girlfriends over their children. Although we may never understand it, it is not for u.s. to understand. They have to alive with their consequences, not us. And remember, fifty-fifty every bit a mother I do not back up women putting men over their children (come across my blog hither).

If you know a beau single mom that needs to read this post, then feel costless to share information technology with her.

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Who Is Your Baby's Father Putting His New Girlfriend Before His Son,


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