
Can I Put A Nylock Nut On Backwards?

Originally Posted by Hank3 View Post

Thank you, WOB. I certainly am a novice when information technology comes to this kind of stuff. Only trying to do my due diligence in ensuring the safety of me and my girl (actually more my daughter), and that I'm not doing anything to ruin my wheel and parts.

I've read all of the comments on threading the bolt from inside and having the nylock nut on the outside, however, since the eyelet threads are smoothed out at present, I'g trying to figure out why this orientation provides and actress bulwark of protection? So that if the nut falls off it goes outward and not into the spokes?

I'm an engineer. We condsider what is called "failure modes" and consequences for dissimilar design cases.

Both design cases: rack stay on inside, fender stay on outside.

Design Example 1: Nut on inside.
Clarification: Nut on inside, holds rack, bolt screwed in from exterior, commodities head holds fender.
Failure fashion ane: nut loosens and falls off. Rack stay tin can become detached with a hard turn to the side reverse the nut, specially with loaded rack or trail-a-wheel. Failure mode frequency (nut loosening) is mutual.
Failure mode ii: (Requires failure mode 1, first) Bolt unthreads and falls out of threaded eyelet. Then both rack and fender are loose. Failure mode frequency highly unlikely. Would notice failure mode 1 first.
Failure mode 3: Commodities head fails and detaches. Results in fender stay coming loose Failure manner frequency low, as bolt is in shear loading.
Design cess: Failure manner with significant outcome (rack stay detaches) due to fairly common failure (nut loosening).

Blueprint Case 2: Nut on outside.
Description: Nut on outside, holds fender stay, bolt screwed in from intside, commodities head holds rack.
Failure mode 4: nut loosens and falls off. Fender stay tin can become detached. Failure fashion frequency (nut loosening) is common.
Failure mode 2: (Requires failure fashion 1, showtime) Bolt unthreads and falls out of threaded eyelet. And then both rack and fender are loose. Bolt might interfere with concatenation/freewheel. Failure mode frequency highly unlikely. Would notice failure mode 1 beginning.
Failure mode 3: Bolt head fails and detaches. Results in rack stay coming loose Failure mode frequency depression, as bolt is in shear loading.
Blueprint assessment: Likely failure mode results in loss of fender stay, less catastrophic.

The betoken is that you probably want the commodities caput holding the rack, and not the nut. And considering the fender stay loss is less catastrophic, you want the nut on the fender stay. And if you lot don't desire to change the bend of the rack stay, then the easiest design comeback is to thread the bolt from the within.

Brand any sense?


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